Dental Veneers

Dental veneers, which are occasionally referred to as dental porcelain laminates or porcelain veneers, are wafer-thin shells of tooth-coloured material that is seamlessly bonded to the front of your teeth’s surface.

The best Veneers in Tijuana

Most often done for cosmetic reasons, dental veneers change the colour, size, shape, and/ or length of your teeth, improving your appearance. Siri Dental is the best solution for painless dental treatments and high quality services with well experienced super specialist doctors and latest advanced technology.

Dental veneers are a perfect cosmetic dentistry choice to improve your smile while you build your confidence once again. What are dental veneers? They are thin and smooth covers that help your teeth have the shape you always wanted.

This is one of the least invasive prosthetic procedures, leaving more of your original teeth intact, and usually, it takes 3 visits in a time period of 10 days. 

This is a general overview of the treatment

1st. Visit

Impressions of the teeth will be made by digitally scanning them or using a mold, to make an appropriate design and prototype to fit the patient’s needs.

2nd. Visit

On the second visit, the permanent veneers will be bonded to the teeth with special cement and hardened with an ultraviolet lamp.

3rd. VISIT

During the third and final visit, the specialist will make sure the veneers are correctly placed and performing adequately. Adjustments may be made to ensure the patient’s satisfaction.

The best Prices

Veneers United States Prices Our Prices Saving
Porcelain Veneer / each
$1.400 USD
$500 USD
$1.050 USD
Temporary / each
$250 USD
$100 USD
$60 USD

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A brighter and more even smile

You may be surprised by how much of a difference a dental veneer can make, taking you from a chipped, cracked, misshapen, or stained tooth to an evenly shaped, naturally colored tooth. Check out this set of before-and-after photos to see what you can expect.

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Compared to US and Canadian prices.

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